Physical orders that are shipped to international countries (outside of the United States) may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees levied by the destination country. When ordering from, the recipient is the importer and must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country. The recipient may be subject to such import taxes, customs duties and fees, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you, the recipient; we have no control over these charges. We recommend that you contact your local customs office for further information.
Physical orders placed in California will have sales tax applied.
When you order on you will receive an e-mail receipt from and a second e-mail from the shipping courier with your tracking number. This will be sent to the e-mail address you supplied at checkout. Shipments can only be tracked after they have left our warehouse so it is best to wait one day before tracking your shipment.